Successful: LookiAvatar pumps and 2.000 Looki exchanged in under 15 minutes, now mint will be launched on August 18 at Opensea

2 min readSep 30, 2022

Following the great success of the August 15th update in which 2,000 LookiAvatar exchanged in under 15 minutes. Now the team prepares for the official launch of the LookiAvatar collection mint on OpenSea on August 18th.

To get one Looki user needs to burn 20 level 60 N Metamons with attributes of 400 or above to exchange. No limitations for OTC Metamons. Looki are a blue chip PFP NFT, and users can use it on web 2 platforms too, like Twitter, Instagram and others. Owning a Looki will bring users many exclusive benefits, unique experiences in the metaverse, and rewards in various projects.

Looki are much more than rare skins designed exclusively by well-known artists. It is a unique and exclusive collection of NFTs developed especially for the Web3 community. Looki holders will have access to airdrop, staking, blind box, next JAZ public chain nodes, image property rights, and other eco-friendly gameplay and functions.

“Sometimes your whole life boils down to one move.”

The total amount of Looki is 10,000. Looki will be released in multiple batches, in this first batch, only 2000 Looki will be available for exchange in the OpenSea mint event on August 18th at 4AM UTC

Users can access Looki in the OpenSea in this link

Looki mint is on the ETH Chain, and JAZ Node NFT will be on the JAZ Chain;

1. There are no trading limitations for Looki;

2. Receive a JAZ Node by staking Looki for one year. JAZ Node mystery box (10,000 in Total: 1,000 SR Nodes and 9,000 R Nodes) will be distributed upon JAZ Node release;

3. 3D avatar in USM Metaverse

4. Intellectual property rights of Looki.

Important: Minting #Looki will be available at 4 AM UTC, Aug 18.

We will cancel your exchange if you didn’t burn your metamon before 4 AM UTC, Aug 18, then reopen the slots for all users.

Check here, more information about Looki exchange Plan and Looki information



Looki, the Galaxy Forger, is one of the oldest celestial creatures in existence. His will is responsible for the creation of countless stars,